Sunday, January 22, 2012

Back in the dark ages of the 80's, when PC's were first becoming more commonplace, I recall an IT manager saying that  the only way to ever get proficient with them was to spend time at the keyboard.  That is just what I've been doing over this damp, drenching weekend. With the amazing amount of information available on the web, it is challenging to sort through and find pertinent, quality sources of information.  One site I found that has a strong marketing focus for community colleges is Career Focus. This site connects you to their e-zine, blog, and a host of other information. It can be found at this url: I checked out the blog at  I am still reading through their information, but so far am finding some really intriguing ideas presented here. Check it out!


  1. Yes, experience is a great teacher. That's also why we're blogging.

    Thanks for the great link.

  2. I'm trying another technique. Let's see if it works. I'm trying to make the links active so all you have to do is click on them. If it works, here's what I did.

    I copied the text for the URL into Dreamweaver, converted them to active links, copied the "code" and pasted it into this comment. Here goes.
