Wednesday, January 25, 2012

While working on this blog, a coworker stopped by and asked the million dollar question "but how do you get people to read and look at your blog"?  A lengthy discussion ensued. Some of the key points we talked about in marketing your blog were:

*Know your audience.  If you are producing a blog with a special purpose (such as this one) you need to do your best to fulfill the needs of the niche your are working within.

*Get your blog publicized, be it via links from other blog sites, a website that addresses the same type of information you are working with, or a Facebook page with link information.

*Working in a Career Center provides an opportunity to post information in the "old-fashioned way"  - - by putting up flyers with the URL listed.

*Word of mouth is also a marketing method.  While talking to students inquiring about employment, it is easy to give them the information about the blog.

*Marketing is pointless if you don't provide current and relevant information on your blog. 


  1. Thanks, Kate, for the great ideas on plugging our blogs.

  2. Check this out. Great advice, especially the last one.
